Gifted Magnet » Enriching Student Electives

Enriching Student Electives

Paxton Lab/Creative Coding
Our College and Career Ready Paxton Labs will include the following:
  • Alternative Energy
  • Computer-Aided Drafting and Design
  • Computer Graphics and Game Development
  • Design and Marketing
  • Digital Manufacturing
  • Electricity and Electronics
  • Flight and Drone Technology
  • Criminalistics
  • Home Maintenance Fundamentals
  • Intro to Computer Science
  • Nursing
  • Personal Finance
  • Structural Engineering
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Video Production
The Paxton Lab is situated in our beautiful community garden. The ultimate career exploration to engage students in authentic problem-based learning experiences as they discover their interests and aptitudes. This program exposes a broad range of Career Clusters, or define a more focused pathway, College & Career Ready Labs provide a model for success. Working with our educational consultants can help you identify the perfect blend for your program of study. Our Paxton Lab has BRAND NEW MATERIALS AND FURNITURE.
The Paxton Lab is a semester long course. For the second semester students are enrolled in creative coding with our Computer Science CTE teacher Mr. Cochran

Students will engage in the Creative Computing Curriculum Guide to create computational artifacts through storytelling and games. The Creative Computing Curriculum, designed by the Creative Computing Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, is a collection of ideas, strategies, and activities for an introductory creative computing experience using Scratch. The Creative Computing Curriculum fosters agency, computing, and creativity through computational thinking and inquiry
/Investment and Stock Market
Buying, selling, shorting, options, price earning ratio, etc. The students learn to purchase stocks, know their symbols, their price, and what they do. We make the stock market fun by competing amongst the class and we compete nationally against 3,000 other schools including high schools. 
In this class students will learn coding skills by creating computer programs and working through fun challenges. Students learn coding by playing collaboratively and building a coding community in the classroom. These skills help improve problem solving, boost memory, and increases logical thinking and reasoning skills. 
/Sports Nutrition 
Proper nutrition is key to optimizing health and athletic performance. This class teaches students about the diet needed to perform at your best. 
/Creative Writing
In Creative Writing, we write stories, poetry, and humor writing. We play with language and exercise our imagination. Students build new worlds and lead characters on exciting adventures.