English Syllabus
English Language Arts 2024-25 Syllabus Mr. Hill Rm. 18
Welcome to English 6. This course will be driven by culturally relevant content. We will focus on developing our skills as readers and writers. We will write a variety of narratives, poetry and essays. We will read short stories, news articles, memoirs, myths, and multiple novels throughout the course of the year including Seedfolks, by Paul Fleischman. Our textbook will be California Collections published by Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt. You may access a digital copy of our textbook by using the HMH app located at the bottom left of the Schoology English homepage.
I have high expectations for all of my students. Our goal in this class is that all students achieve mastery of the ELA standards.To do your best work you must stay focused in class, take detailed notes in your journal (i.e., copy as much of what you see and hear as you can). Taking notes will develop your skills of observation and recording data and help you with homework, quizzes and tests. You will be allowed to use your journal on all quizzes, and tests.
Please bring your Chromebook to class everyday as most of your work will be completed online. You will need to take your device home everyday to recharge.
The following consequences will be implemented if the class expectations are not met.
- Verbal Warning
- Contact parents/guardians
- Contact counselor or dean
- Parent Conference
Homework will be due the day after it is assigned, unless other instructions are given. You will be assessed by the quality of your work on journal notes, labs, homework, individual, pair and group assignments, tests and projects. Your work will be weighed as follows:
Journal Notes 20%
Quizzes & Tests 25%
Projects 25%
Classwork 20%
Homework 10%
Each grading period (every five weeks), you will earn your grade based on the percentage of points you earn of the total points possible. The grading scale is as follows:
A = 90 – 100%
B = 80 – 89%
C = 70 – 79%
D = 60 – 69%
Fail = 59% or less
Late assignments and revisions will always be accepted. Students who are absent are responsible for completing all missed work, and will be given full credit when the work is complete. Most assignments can be found on our class website in Schoology. No extra credit work will be offered.
Assignments will be posted in your English Course in Schoology. You will be able to access announcements, assignments, grades and important information there.
Parents are strongly encouraged to sign up for the Schoology parent portal and check daily for assignments, announcements, and check on your child’s progress. If you have any questions, or would like to schedule a conference, please send me a message through Schoology or email me directly at [email protected]. We can schedule a zoom meeting to discuss your questions and concerns.
You can find a copy of this syllabus under Materials in the Schoology course page.
Mr. Hill